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Clay County Schools Event Pass Update

We are roughly 3 weeks into the start of fall sports in Clay County. We would like to provide you an update on the success of the Event Pass (free to all citizens of Clay County and those who pay property taxes in Clay County), along with free admission to all Clay County children provided in partnership between Clay County Bank and the Clay County Board of Education.

So far, the high school has had 3 home football games; One scrimmage, a junior varsity football game, and one varsity football game. Through those three games the high school has scanned a total of 434 event passes along with 328 children passing through the gates. For high school sporting events, the entry price for adults is $7 and $5 for students.

The middle school has had two home sporting events; a football game and a volleyball game. Between these two games, the middle school has scanned a total of 129 event passes while 94 students have passed through the entry points. For middle school sporting events, the entry price for adults is $5 and $3 for students.

Between the high school and middle school, the event pass has saved those event pass holders a total of $3683 while the partnership between Clay County Bank and the Board of Education has saved the children of Clay County a total of $1853. The combined total equaling $5536 will be distributed directly to each school’s athletic departments.

If you are a citizen of Clay County or someone who pays property taxes in Clay County, you may sign up for the event pass which can be found in the content section on the left-hand side of our website or pinned to the top of our Clay County Schools Facebook page. This event pass is provided due to the passage of the excess levy and is good for the duration of the levy.