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CES-Fostering a Love for Reading and Writing

Students at Clay Elementary recently competed in the school's literacy fair. Students were tasked with reading a book of their choosing and developing a presentation to exhibit in front of a panel of judges much like the presentations displayed earlier this year at the Science Fair. Students created poster boards which were used to display details about their book. The students then answered questions about the book's author, his or her motivation in writing the book and a brief synopsis of the book itself. The winners of the competition are pictured above on the left.

Also pictured above is a CES student who recently placed 3rd in the 3-5 division for the WV State Forestry Essay contest. Students in the elementary portion of this contest were prompted to explore a tree residing in either their backyard, neighborhood or school campus while observing wildlife connected to the tree and also determining if the tree was healthy.

Congratulations to all of the students on their accomplishments.